Konosuba: The Legend of Crimson: The Popular Phase
Last Thursday I was able to catch a showing of Konosuba: The Legend of Crimson , which is the film accompaniment to the anime of the same name (sans subtitle). It's one of the few anime that I'm really into and needless to say that I was pretty excited for it, so is it worth the hype? You bet your britches it is! Once the initial shock of re-entering the fanastical world of Konosuba had worn off it gave me everything that I like about the show in a film format: absurd characters, surreal situations, stranger solutions, and over-the-top-action. Here we see Kazuma in his natural state of being overly confident and thinking with his dick. Beginning with some background on the show, Konosuba or God's Grace on this Beautiful World , is what's referred to as an isekai anime, meaning that the entirety of the plot takes place outside of the protagonist's world (usually the protagonist dies and is brought to some sort of afterlife). Konosuba focuses on the callous ...