Overgrowth: A Jump-Kicking Novelty
Another day, another failed platforming challenge. At least it looks pretty as I'm falling to my death for the fifteenth time on this specific jump... Overgrowth was one of those games that was on my radar for a while in my teens, it was just..."there" so to say (mostly in the form of youtube videos). I saw some gameplay a while back before it finally dropped off my radar, but when I got it as part of a Humble Bundle I was quite excited to try this hairy and strange-seeming fighting game. Now, after completing the four included campaigns I'm perplexed in how I feel about Overgrowth . I like it at times, but at others I feel indescribably bored, even though I've only clocked roughly five hours into it. It's a relatively solid game, but it feels limited by its design, primarily in terms of the gameplay, but I'll get to that eventually. The story of Overgrowth isn't particularly present, if that makes any sense. There are three campaigns of varyi...