Underwater: Barotrauma
To be honest, it's pretty damn hard to find pictures of this film, but on the list of things that could have been done better more pictures is awfully low on that list. Last week I managed to see Underwater , and it was quite a confusing film, mixing new and unique things in a horror film that I haven't seen before (or in a while) with some truly baffling production choices. It was a film that I found both entertaining and frustrating in equal measure, and it really just felt like a film that was still in the process of figuring out what exactly it was supposed to be. I've never understood my friends' dislike for TJ Miller characters before, but needless to say I understand now, and he's just one of the strange choices that the film made in regards to its execution. Without further ado, let's talk about Underwater , a film that can't seem to decide what brand of horror or adventure film it is. Beginning with the plot, Underwater goes through several ...