Betrayer: Colonial Horror
Apparently the realm of the dead can be accessed by ringing a bell, why not? It's rare when a piece of media attempts to explore the mindset of a different time, as it's pretty difficult to do without becoming lost in this fantasy of a bygone era, and on top of this there is always the risk of the intent being misunderstood. Betrayer as a game stood out to me, for while it admittedly was not terribly good, it stood out to me for being able to effectively tap into the fear that likely filled the English colonists on the East coast at the beginning of England's colonization of the new world. Betrayer starts mysteriously as you wake up on a secluded beach with a merchant ship retreating into the distance. As you head inland, you encounter a mysterious girl in a red cloak, as well as a few English settlements that are completely deserted, only being inhabited by former townsfolk who are now either ghosts or stone/ash statues. The whole story is a mystery, and to tell the t...