Pandemic Catch-Up 5: The Hobbit Trilogy
It's sort of unfortunate in a way that Smaug was done so well in the films, since now he is the standard for a dragon in film and television. Everything about him just screams terror, from his sheer size to his very voice. JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit was probably my favorite book as a kid, though it left the largest impression on me to be sure of the many books I read throughout my childhood. Cue fourteen-year-old-me's excitement when I found out that the book that I had read end to end was going to be turned into a movie, no wait, three movies. And then I saw the first film. To say that I was disappointed was an understatement, and afterward I didn't have a strong desire to see the second and third installments (though part of this might have been the fact that I might have been living in the rougher parts of Eastern Europe at the time of the release of the second film). However, while my sister was staying over and I was painting/assembling miniatures, I found a singula...