
Showing posts from January, 2021

What's this all about?

I'm a guy with way too many interests and way too much time on my hands. A while back I realized that I spend a lot of my time just telling people I know about the various media I consume, so I just figured what the hell, let's just lay it all out. On here, you'll see my reviews of video games, films, books, tv shows, and more, but I've also decided to upload my hobbies here as well because why not?

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: A Missed Narrative Opportunity

The persuasion implant returns as an easy way to get through tough conversations, but I found that its use was somewhat limited, with only about three important conversations it could be used in.   About a month ago I sat down to play Deus Ex: Mankind Divided after having played Human Revolution Director's Cut a few years prior. I had heard that it was something of a step forward and back, so I was somewhat wary, but aside from that I heard little of it.  The plot begins a few years after the conclusion of Human Revolution , after the so-called 'Aug Incident' (augs meaning augmented humans), where due to a software update acting as a Trojan horse, mechanically augmented humans were sent into a berserk rage by the inventor of augments as some sort of warning about the dangers regarding their use. Seems a little harsh. Anyway, in the two years following the incident augs have become something of a discriminated group, essentially experiencing segregation/apartheid/ghettos/c...