Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: A Missed Narrative Opportunity
The persuasion implant returns as an easy way to get through tough conversations, but I found that its use was somewhat limited, with only about three important conversations it could be used in. About a month ago I sat down to play Deus Ex: Mankind Divided after having played Human Revolution Director's Cut a few years prior. I had heard that it was something of a step forward and back, so I was somewhat wary, but aside from that I heard little of it. The plot begins a few years after the conclusion of Human Revolution , after the so-called 'Aug Incident' (augs meaning augmented humans), where due to a software update acting as a Trojan horse, mechanically augmented humans were sent into a berserk rage by the inventor of augments as some sort of warning about the dangers regarding their use. Seems a little harsh. Anyway, in the two years following the incident augs have become something of a discriminated group, essentially experiencing segregation/apartheid/ghettos/c...