What's this all about?

I'm a guy with way too many interests and way too much time on my hands. A while back I realized that I spend a lot of my time just telling people I know about the various media I consume, so I just figured what the hell, let's just lay it all out. On here, you'll see my reviews of video games, films, books, tv shows, and more, but I've also decided to upload my hobbies here as well because why not?

The Sea Ghost

To be honest, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh could and perhaps should have been split into two seperate adventures, and for my group the time between the adventure in the "haunted" manor and the raid on the Sea Ghost (now rechristened The Wind of Azyr) was separated by months. It was also the first session of our group being online after Covid-19 shut everything down and made us go home.

In terms of the actual adventure, it began shakily with the party talking their way into the smugglers' good graces and immediately looking suspicious by all climbing aboard, which begun a fierce melee. Our poor wizard and druid were the recipients of vicious swings from Captain Snake-eyes, but quick thinking by the druid (with thorn whip) and the efficiency of the ranger plus the rogue lead to the affair turning into a fun and challenging swashbuckling melee. The rest of the adventure consisted of the party splitting up, doing some sleuthing, ignoring the sounds of combat, and talking their way into owning a ship, which is now their most prized possession. 

I also got a lot better with the waves I think, though I could probably add one more set at the stern because the way it is right seems off to me.


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