Pandemic Catch-Up 4: Cyberpunk-ish
It took me a while to come around to cyberpunk, and beyond cool robot appendages I didn't really get the hype behind it. It seemed very pessimistic and cynical to me, and as someone who generally veers on the optimistic and practical it didn't really appeal to me entirely. However, as a fan of science fiction, it's not beyond all hope of enjoyment for me, and over the summer I managed to get through a decent amount of cyberpunk-y media, from the arguable origin ( Blade Runner ) in the far future, to a newer example from perhaps within the next five years ( Watch_Dogs 2 ). - - - Blade Runner (Final Cut) Sure things suck in the future, but at least we finally got those flying cars we've been dreaming about. I do wonder how traffic works with them, congestion is probably a nightmare This was on my list for a really long time, and I actually saw Blade Runner 2049 before setting my eyes on its prequel. I also don't know the plethora of other cuts of this film, so I...