What's this all about?

I'm a guy with way too many interests and way too much time on my hands. A while back I realized that I spend a lot of my time just telling people I know about the various media I consume, so I just figured what the hell, let's just lay it all out. On here, you'll see my reviews of video games, films, books, tv shows, and more, but I've also decided to upload my hobbies here as well because why not?

Lara Croft GO: A Decent and Visually-Pleasing Puzzler

Lara Croft GO, like most of the puzzle games I've played, is a game that I have a hard time sticking to. It took me a bit of stop-and-go playing to get through, and to tell the truth I think it's the right way to play this title. Frustrating and tricky at times, it's a game you can easily pick up and play, with good visuals to boot.

Despite almost being a trope at this point, nothing grabs me more than a good old descent into the earth.

The story is just the basic tomb-raiding kinda story, with the closest thing to an antagonist being a giant serpent. The entirety of the gameplay revolves around 4-directional movement, with Laura moving one space at a time and monsters (the ones that move) moving immediately afterward. One of the cooler things that you'll witness is how Laura dispatches the monsters she faces. While some you kill using taps and the environment, most of the rest you stylishly eliminate with your iconic double pistols. There's also a good progression of puzzles and techniques being introduced, though I found the final 5 levels of the Cave of Spirits to be rather easy compared to the preceding four. These were the only times I used the clue feature, which is a failsafe solve the level button, telling you exactly how to beat it as you go through the stage. There's also hidden treasure to find, which unlock new skins and satisfaction for those who are really into search and find (or just like completion).

Each of the stages can pretty much be seen entirely without scrolling, allowing you to easily plan your move.

I'm also not sure if this is an iOS game or not, but it really seems like it. All of the controls are controlled by the mouse (primarily swiping and clicking, gulp), and sweet Jesus my fingers hurt after playing this with a trackpad on my Mac, but otherwise it runs wonderfully on my laptop. Visually it has a great usage of a blocky, polygonal art style with a lot of pastel colors used, something that I don't see much of these days.

Not much of a fan of the classic Tomb Raider uniform, but this, this I like.

That's pretty much all that I have to say about Lara Croft GO, it's rather unremarkable, it didn't so much capture my attention as being easily available to me. Maybe I'll play the bonus two adventures someday, likely on a flight, but likely not. You can easily pass on this one, but at least it's a simple to learn puzzler that you don't need a pen and paper to beat. I suppose that's a good thing, but apart from that and the visuals I didn't really see anything here that I think is of special note in this title. Good, but forgettable.


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